1959-12-01 USA Six Stage Rocket Launch

A multistage rocket, also known as a step rocket, is a launch vehicle that consists of two or more rocket stages, each equipped with its own engines and propellant. A tandem or serial stage is positioned on top of another stage, while a parallel stage is attached alongside another stage. This configuration effectively creates two or more rockets stacked vertically or arranged next to each other. While two-stage rockets are quite common, rockets with up to five distinct stages have also been successfully launched.

Multistage rocket launch cover with Goldcraft cachet, postmarked on December 1, 1959.
By discarding stages when they deplete their propellant, the mass of the remaining rocket is reduced. Each subsequent stage can be tailored for its particular operating conditions, such as lower atmospheric pressure at higher altitudes. This staging technique enables the thrust of the remaining stages to more effectively propel the rocket to its ultimate speed and altitude.

(Reference from Multistage rocket)