1959-09-12 USSR Luna 2

A cover commemorating Luna 2, the first spacecraft to reach the Moon in the history of space flight, postmarked in Moscow on September 16, 1959.
In September 1959, the Soviet Union became the first to land an object on the Moon with the impact of Luna 2. Launched on September 12, 1959, it struck the lunar surface on September 14, 1959, marking the first spacecraft to reach another celestial body. The impact occurred just east of the Sea of Serenity, near the craters Aristides, Archimedes, and Autolycus. The spacecraft found no detectable magnetic field around the Moon.

Photo: Luna 2, the first to reach the moon in space flight history.
A cover canceled with the special postmark for Luna 2 in red.
Photo: Sodium cloud formed by Luna 2 on September 12, 1959.
A postcard canceled with the special postmark for Luna 2 in black.
A first day cover for the Luna 2 stamps.
(Reference from Luna 2)