1960-10-13 USA SALLY AMY MOE

Three black mice named Sally, Amy and Moe rode an Atlas missile nose cone 650 miles into space on October 13, 1960, along with liberal rations of oxygen, oatmeal, peanuts and gelatin and a variety of scientific instruments. During the ride, the mice rode into the perilous inner Van Allen radiation belt and were also treated to ten minutes of weightlessness; then they survived a blazing dive back through the earth's atmosphere to a landing 5,000 miles downrange. The genetic lessons learned from radiation effects will be valuable for human space travelers.

A Sarzin illustrated cachet cover postmarked Cape Canaveral, October 13, 1960, the launch day of the Atlas rocket with Sally, Amy, Moe onboard.
Photo: Sally, Amy, Moe - the three mice that flew into space.
(Reference from SPACE: Three Black Mice)